Tips For a Flatter Belly
How to Get a Flat Stomach Naturally
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First published: 24.Oct.2018
No, you can't flatten your stomach in one day
Despite all that you have read on the Internet and the gadgets advertised on TV, there is no way you are going to get a flat stomach overnight.
Maybe you will notice some positive results in a month, but getting a flat tummy is a long-term project.
But don't despair, there is plenty you can do at home to flatten your belly and begin seeing some results after a couple of weeks.
In this article, we will discuss Visceral (or abdominal) Fat, Subcutaneous Fat, their negative impact on your health, and what can be done to minimize them.
You will also learn about the facts and science behind a flat stomach.
We will also discuss some scientifically proven flat belly diet plans and exercises that focus on localized belly fat.
References and Further Reading
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About this Article
Tips for a flatter belly, A. Whittall
©2018, 24 Oct. 2018. Updated. 09 Nov. 2024. Update scheduled for 15.Nov.2027.
Tags: Flat stomach, flat belly, lose tummy fat, flat stomach exercise, flat stomach diet, Waist Circumference, abdominal fat, VAT, visceral fat, subcutaneous fat, SAT, obesity. belly fat, abdominal fat, abdominals workout, waist (size), weight loss, fitness, exercise, diet, depression.