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Advertisement Policy

Website Advertisement Policy

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This webpage outlines our advertisement policy, forbidden advertisement topics, and our ethical principles regarding ads. Advertisement Policy

This Policy was first published on 25th August 2020.

This is our website's advertisement policy which is aligned with our Mission:


Our mission:

"Do our best efforts to provide accurate, fair, and thorough information on diverse health, fitness, and wellness related topics."

"Acting with responsibility and integrity, gathering, reporting, and interpreting information with honesty, empathy, and reliability."

Advertising and our Funding

We may now or in the future carry advertising on our website

Advertising helps pay the costs of publishing our independent website and is, therefore, a source of funding for our service.

Having said this, we will not let paid advertising affect our Mission, and we refer you to our Publishing Ethics webpage which, regarding advertising, clearly defines that our website will:

  • Clearly label advocacy and commentary as such.
  • Avoid conflicts of interest, real or perceived. Refuse gifts, favors, fees, free travel and special treatment, and other outside activities that may compromise integrity or impartiality, or may damage credibility.
  • Deny favored treatment to advertisers, donors, or any other special interests.
  • Distinguish news from advertising and shun hybrids that blur the lines between the two. Prominently label sponsored content.

As we don't recommend products in exchange for a commission, we are unbiased in our opinions.

We invest plenty of time researching any product or service mentioned in our website so when we add these links to our website, we do so without any monetary incentive and do so because we believe that they will suit you and all of our readers.

We don't get any free products or services from these companies or from any other company that we may mention on our website.

Sponsored Content

So, the only sponsored content you may find on our website is the advertisements served by Google Adsense.

We believe that sponsored content compromises a publication's ability to be honest and it dilutes our readers' trust.

You should be able to trust our content and not view us as a vehicle for marketing.

So we do not give coverage or sell reviews or include information on products or services in exchange for advertising or revenue.

We only rely on readers like you clicking on our affiliate links or the ads served by Google.

Clear Identification of Advertisements

Any advertising will be clearly identified as such using a label with the term "Advertising" next to any advertisement.

The purpose of using such labels is to clearly differentiate ads from the information content of the site.

Ads are prominently differentiated from the information content of the service by a separate framework.

Prohibited Ads Topics

We are also clear about the type of topics that can be displayed in the advertisements published on our website. The following topics are prohibited:

  • weapons
  • pornography
  • religion
  • dating

No Native Advertising

We do not use native advertising. This type of paid advertisement is created to match the website in which it is published. Its goal is to be non-disruptive and look like if it was part of the page's editorial flow. unction of the media format in which they appear. They don't stand out like a regular ad or banner advertisement.

Responsibility for Advertisement content

The Advertiser is responsible for the accuracy of their advertising. We do not review the advertising before it is published, and it is not subject to this Editorial and Publishing guidelines.

Changes to our Advertising Policy

We are entitled to make changes to this Advertising Policy at any time. If we make any changes to the Advertising Policy, you will be informed hereof the next time you visit our website.

If you do not accept the newest Advertising Policy, you should not continue to use our website.

If you continue to use our website, you automatically consent to the newest Advertising Policy.

Contact us

Contact Information

If you have any questions or comments, please get in touch with us at Patagonia Wellness, through our e-mail address:

Phone: +54 911 31752840

Postal Address:

Patagonia Wellness
Liniers 440
Florida, B1602 Provincia de Buenos Aires

Complementary Information

Please read all of our policies:

Issued on August 25, 2020. Revision 00.

About this Article

Advertisement Policy, A. Whittall

©2020, 25 Aug. 2020.

Tags: Advertisement Policy, Ads, Advertisements.

This Website

Subject: News, tips, advice, and articles covering healthy lifestyle topics such as health, fitness, wellness, and food & diets.
Live better, get inspired, learn more about healthy habits, and how to improve your quality of life.

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Health Advice and Advertisements Disclaimer

The material appearing on is for educational use only. It should not be used as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.

We do not endorse products or services that are advertised on the web site. Advertisers and advertisements that appear on this website are served by a third party advertising company.


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Fit and Well: Health, Fitness, Diet & Food information website
Our website is a reliable source of up-to-date, scientifically proven information on health, fitness, wellbeing, diet, food, and nutrition.
Our mission: Educate and inspire with reflective evidence-based reasoning. Information and News that you can trust.

Last updated V.1